Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Champions!!

On Tuesday we went along to the T&W Rugby competition in terrible underfoot weather conditions.

The children played superbly and we were able to beat all the teams in our league – we progressed through to the semi final, winning 7-0 and then the final, beating Old Park 4-3.

This means the team are through to the School Games Final at Shrewsbury Sports Village, in May, representing the whole of Telford and Wrekin!!

Well done team!!

5M Blind Football

5M had a PE lesson today with a twist today. They were introduced to the complexities of Blind Football. It’s fair to say a lot of children found it very difficult and it definitely made them appreciate being able to see what they were doing!


3T / 3PW reminders: week beginning 19.02.24

We are really looking forward to seeing you for our first week together after half term!

Here are a few reminders for the week:

Monday: PD Day – no school for you!

Tuesday: Mrs Pearson day. Library day.

Wednesday: Mrs Pearson day. PE day.

Thursday: Mrs Wheat day

Friday: Mrs Wheat day. PE day.

Enjoy your half term and see you soon.

Love Mrs P and Mrs W xxx