Year 3 Swimming change to Tuesday 14th

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 will be swimming on Tuesday, 14th of February next week, instead of Monday.


The Year 3 Team


Class 3B – no PE tomorrow

Dear Parents and Carers,

3B will not be doing PE tomorrow due to the careers day at school. The hall will be out of use.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler & Mrs Humphries


Update for 3P Parents and Carers

letter to 3P

Please find attached a letter for your attention.  A paper copy of this letter has been sent home this evening.

Thank you for your support.

3B PE kits Friday 3rd February

Dear Parents and carers,

Please ensure that your child in 3B has their outdoor PE kit tomorrow for PE.  The hall will not be accessible due to other activities so we will definitely be outside.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler & Mrs Humphries

3B Beech’s Base day

Class 3B enjoyed a fabulous day at the Base, with Mrs Yates, Mrs Dunscombe and Mr Leonard, taking part in parachute games, Egyptian bread-making, Egyptian Shadufs, painting hieroglyphs, Egyptian drama and the usual forest fun activities, foraging, den-building and making bird feeders!