Year 5 – Swimming

Year 5 children please remember your swimming kits on Monday 27th February.

You will need them every Monday until Easter ( with exception to the Cadbury World trip week!!)


Mr M & Miss Hardy

Year 5 homework

Homework for Monday 6th February

– Children to read at least 3 times at home and get home reading signed in their Reading Dairy.

– Learn spellings and write each word in a sentence in Homework Book.

– Practise 3 x table.

– Science: Following our work at Adams Grammar School this week on the movement of the moon, children are to complete a Moon Phase Diary. This isn’t stuck into homework books because it will be an ongoing project over the next 5 weeks!

Year 5 homework 3 Feb

Year 5 homework

Due in for Monday 8th November

Following today’s Open Lunch, we would like children to focus on the strategies that we have discussed in class, during Open Lunch, and that can be found on the information sent home with children from school or from Open Lunch today. Children are expected to read and record 5 reads at home in their Reading Record as their homework this week.