Year 5 Cookery Club!

Year 5 Cookery Club is on Wednesday at 12pm for the children in the current group.

We hope you enjoyed your muffins last week!  This week we are making a pasta dish; please bring a good sized Tupperware container with a lid.

See you at 12 on Wednesday!

Mrs M and Mrs G x

Cookery Club

Well done to cookery club today, they were super.  We hope you enjoyed your salad!

Chocolate muffins next Wednesday: please can children bring a tin to transport their cakes home.

Well done Big Sing Choir 2019!

Wow! I’ve just returned from a superb performance at Oakengates Theatre from the Big Sing Choir.  We were really, really proud of the 53 Year 5 children who took part.  Their behaviour was excellent and their performance faultless.

Thank you to all of the parents who supported the performance.  Huge thanks to Miss Hardy, Mr Lawson, Mr Moody, Miss Jones and Mrs Hammond for preparing the children and for helping on the day.  This was made possible due to our ongoing work with Mr Pierce and the TACT team – thank you to them.

Year 5 Cookery Club!

Letters have come home today with children who have a place to take part in the next lot of Cookery Club sessions on a Wednesday lunchtime with Mrs M and Mrs Green.  Sessions start on Wednesday 8th May and children will need a packed lunch.

Don’t worry if you requested a place and don’t get a letter this time: we will do one more group before we break up for the Summer!

Year 5 Cookery Club

NO Club on Wednesday due to Mothers Day lunch!

However…. we will meet at 12pm on Tuesday to make Easter nests!  See you there with a tin!

Mrs M and Mrs G


NJS Big Sing letter LAST CHANCE

Year 5 children who haven’t brought back their reply slips for the Big Sing Trip (on Wednesday 1st May) have got until Wednesday next week (10th April) to return them.

Any children who have not returned the slip by then will be staying in school.

Children have been given copies of the letter today to bring home.