5H Clay!

5H have had a wonderful morning getting incredibly messy making William Morris style tiles with clay. They had a great time and worked so hard, especially at the mammoth clean up task afterwards! Well done team xxx

(Disclaimer: an hour after these photos were taken, tables, arms, faces and and clothes did not look this clean!)

Games/Athletics 28/11/18 – Cancelled

It is with great regret I am going to have to cancel our final games club of the year  this Wednesday (28/11).  Due to personal reasons I will not be able to run the final session.

I would like to thanks all pupils who have participated in the club through all weathers and been extremely engaged. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have running it.

I look forward to seeing many of you join me for another club in the coming new year.

All the best,

Mr Lawson

5H Class Assembly

5H’s class assembly is on Friday this week (16th.) Families are welcome to come and watch. Please arrive at the school office for 2.50pm.


A reminder that, as stated on the clubs list, there is no Mindfulness Club this week (tomorrow – Wednesday 14th Nov) as I am on a course. The children have been reminded in assemblies.

Thank you, Miss H

Enginuity Trip Thursday 11th and Friday 12th

All children are reminded, no matter which day they are going to Enginuity, they will need:

  • To wear uniform
  • Have a packed lunch (ideally food wrapped in foil – due to the space buggy theme!)
  • Have any space related snacks with them e.g. Space Invader – crisps, if a chocolate related item – Galaxy/Mars Bar/ Mars Planets/ Milky Way etc

Children will not necessarily need school bags on the day of their trip.

However, on the day the children are not on the trip they will need PE kits and their normal school bag.

Thank you

Year 5

Yr 5 – Homework and Spelling Continued…

Year 5 are reminded that the homework issued on Friday 5th October was to last until Wednesday 17th October. This is due to the trip to Enginuity.

The children did receive an extra piece of homework because of this.

Thank you

The Year 5 Team.