Burton Borough School

Dear Year 5 and 6 Families,


The Principal of Burton Borough School, Mrs. Raymont-Hall, would like to warmly invite you to our Open evening on Wednesday 3rd October 2018.  Please see the attached video welcome from her and the flyer for this event.


We look forward to seeing you there!


Burton Borough School

Video 2018-2019

Open Evening half page

TACT Music Workshop for Yr 5 with Mr Pierce 26/9/18

We welcomed Mr Pierce into school today who introduced a new scheme of work to the teachers, delivering lesson 1 to the children for teachers CPD. The children will be following these lessons for the rest of the term, lead by teachers.

Year 5 Spellings and Homework – 7/9/18

Our spellings and homework will start on Friday 14th September. During the next week getting to know your child, we will be working hard to identify which spelling group they are best suited to.
Year 5 homework and Spellings are given out on a Friday and are expected back into school for the following Wednesday. Spelling and timestables test will then take place each Thursday.
Alongside Spellings and timestables homework, the children will be expected to complete a 20/30minute piece of Maths or English, which will either consolidate what they have been learning that week, or prepare them for what they are learning during the following week. This will be explained to the children as it is given and instructions for this will also be on the weekly homework sheet. We ask that you support your child where possible and if the homework is a struggle for your child, the timings above are stuck to, stopping any undue stress (for you or your child) related to homework.
All children at NJS are expected to read at least three times to an adult, having their diary filed in by said adult, each week. As the children have been issued books and have free choice reading books, we ask that the homework this week is a focus upon reading and the completion of their reading diaries.
Thank you for your support
Mr M, Miss H & Mr L

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Dear Year Fives,

What a fantastic start to the year! We have all just been chatting about how impressed we have been today. Well done!

Parents – as your children will have told you, we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this term. We are yet to receive class sets of the book, but our lessons have begun! If you have a copy at home (any version), we would be really grateful if you could send it in with your child tomorrow. Remember to name it!

Thank you and see you tomorrow children

Year 5 teachers x