5N D&T in Beech’s Base

This morning, children in 5N have been using a range of different tools (saws, hammers and drills) with Mrs Jones in order to prepare their pieces of wood, ready to put together their bird boxes. Mrs Jones has commented on how wonderfully mature and responsible the children have behaved this morning… maybe a class star is on the way?!! I can’t wait to see the finished pieces!

Yr 5 Wednesday 14th June Kabaddi & Sport Day Practice

On Wednesday 14th June please can ALL year 5 children come into school wearing their PE kits. We have the opportunity to take part in a Kabaddi workshop and we hope to practice our Sports Day events.
They will all need to wear suitable sun protection and have their water bottles.
Thank you
Team Yr 5

Medical returns!

Good afternoon,

If your child has come home with any medical equipment from school, could you please ensure these are brought back to staff in the morning!

Many thanks,

Year 5 team

All Things Bright and Beautiful 🐞 🐠 🦋

Whilst at Lichfield Cathedral, every child created a piece of artwork relating to the theme, ‘All things bright and beautiful’ which is inspired by beauty and spirituality.

They will form part of a display around the cathedral made by 1000 school pupils and will be on display over the summer.

If you get a chance then maybe you could visit over the summer holidays and try and spot your design!

Lichfield Trip… Air and Water Group!

What a fantastic day year 5 have had! It is safe to say the children experienced some awe and wonder as they walked up to and around! The children asked some fantastic questions and had some really in-depth conversations with comparisons to our recent trip to the Mosque.
Well done year 5!