5M Messy Maths Day

5M spent the day writing on their desks and then the playground! Identifying and measuring angles as part of their Messy Maths Day – all the children thoroughly enjoyed it!

Year 5 Swimming / 5N PE

Please could all children make sure they have their swimming kits in school tomorrow (Tuesday 6th June). Please remember goggles and swimming caps if you have them.

In addition to this, please could children in 5N come to school in their PE kits tomorrow ready for their session with Miss Goodall from NGHS.

5OP – Beech’s Base! 05.06.23

Good afternoon everyone from 5OP!

We hope that you have all had a wonderful half term!

Just a quick reminder about Beech’s Base tomorrow afternoon. You will need to bring your Beech’s base kit as normal – be mindful of the weather and old clothes will be better (incase you get muddy).

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x

Yr 5 Messy Maths

As Monday 5th is Messy Maths day at NJS we thought we we would share what the children will be doing in Maths today.

Please don’t worry – we wont be getting “messy!”

We have set up the classrooms so the children have a messy desk – covered in tape.

The children have been challenged to identify, predict and measure each of the angles.

We have also draw some chalk angles onto the playground for the children to complete the same.

Team Yr 5

Y5 Cricket

5M and 5OP had a fabulous morning today playing cricket in the beautiful sunshine !

5N Beech’s Base

A reminder for 5N that we have Beech’s Base this afternoon!

Children can come to school wearing their clothes for Beech’s Base and bring a spare set of clean clothes to change into if they wish. Although the weather is lovely today, please remember to keep arms and legs covered and bring gloves if you have them 😊

Shropshire Cricket Fun

For the next few weeks, we are lucky enough to have Ryan Lockley into school with us, one of the Shropshire Cricket coaches. Ryan will be working with Y3 and Y5 children, helping them improve their cricket skills. Mr Moody, Mr Leonard and I might even learn some new skills hopefully.

Mental Health Awareness Week!

In year 5, we have had a lovely week looking at things we can do to support our mental health. We also looked at being kind to ourselves and understanding ‘what makes you… you’! This has been really powerful with the children to think positively. They should be extremely proud of themselves!