5PJ enjoyed learning how to use Crumble programming.  They made a carousel ride that used a motor to spin and a sparkle box to light up.


Good afternoon 5PJ parents and carers,

Thank you all for your time today! Please find our e-mails below should you wish to reach us.



Have a lovely evening!

Miss J and Mrs P

Beech’s Base – No Nurture Groups Wednesday 19th October 2022

Good Evening all

Just a reminder there are no Nurture Groups running tomorrow at Beech’s Base 🙂

Have a lovely half term and see you on Wednesday 2nd November!

Mrs K x


5PJ Art

5PJ have enjoyed learning about  the artist Sonia Delauney and how her work changed over the years.  The children have enjoyed designing and making a cape in the style of Sonia Delauney.



Good afternoon from 5PJ!

We were having fun in Beech’s base yesterday so we missed out on celebrating World Mental Health Day as a class! 

This afternoon, we spoke about how important our mental health is and ways we can look after our mental and physical health.

The children then wrote a reflection in their spiritual scrapbooks and a colouring task with 1 message… How you feel matters!

Have a lovely evening 5PJ

Miss Jones

5PJ at Beech’s Base

5PJ have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

Our theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our  Geography topic – Resources.. We discussed what this meant and how we can use resources from the environment. Some of the vocabulary included being efficient and effective.  Today’s activities included Purifying water, Den Building, Leaf Printing and Acorn painting. The children developed a game where they created a currency using acorns this helped demonstrate how trading helped with being sustainable . We cooked baked beans over the fire and ate with bread :).

Thanks for a super day 4J

Mrs K x 🙂