Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in on Wednesday 26th March. Please ensure homework is presented to a high standard as this ensures the children are best prepared for the transition to secondary school.

1. Read 3 times to an adult & have your reading record signed.
2. Complete the reading comprehension task. t2-or-611-rainforest-calling-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_10
3. Complete the online maths test at http://www.maths.co.uk

Weekly Homework

Homework is due by Wednesday 12th March 2025.

  1. Read 3 times to an adult and get them to sign your reading record.
  2. Complete spellings & handwriting practice from the statutory spelling words.
  3. Complete the maths questions set online at http://www.maths.co.uk
  4. Complete the reading comprehension questions. The Worlds Tallest Mountains

Please ensure homework is completed to a high standard of presentation.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due by Wednesday 5th March.

    1. Complete 3 reads to an adult and have your reading record signed.
    2. Complete the maths assessment set on Maths Online.
    3. Complete reading comprehension questions. t-par-1704871912-year-6-reading-comprehension-fiction-1-ages-10-11_ver_1
    4. Complete handwriting practice using statutory spelling words. Year 5-6 spellings (Pg 5)

Please ensure that homework sheets are glued into your homework books and presentation is to a high standard.


Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 12th February. Please ensure your homework is complete and handed in by this date.

  1. Complete 3 reads to an adult and have your reading record signed.
  2. Complete SPaG Mini Assessment – the children have been completing these daily in class.
  3. Complete decimals & percentages assessment set on http://www.maths.co.uk
  4. Complete statutory spelling practice. Please aim for at least 3 words per line in joined handwriting.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due by Wednesday 5th February 2025.

We have seen an increase in the number of children not completing or submitting their homework on time. The setting of homework is part of our on-going efforts to prepare children for their upcoming transition to secondary school, where homework is a daily occurrence.

  1. Complete spellings as per the statutory spelling list. Year 5-6 spellings (pg 2 of this document)
  2. Complete maths worksheet – converting between fractions/decimals/percentages. This follows on from our work in class this week. fractions-decimals-percents-2
  3. Complete worksheet on proof reading and editing passages of text. Please ensure the sentences are completed with legible handwriting and are punctuation correctly. Editing punctuation


Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 29th January.

Please can we ask that children return their homework by this date, we are noticing an increased number of children not completing or returning their homework. Our weekly homework is part of our efforts to prepare the children for their upcoming transition to secondary school, where homework is a daily occurrence.

  1. Complete pg 1 of statutory spelling words (we have no moved onto Yr 5/6 words) Year 5-6 spellings
  2. Complete maths test set online at www.maths.co.uk – This focuses on lower key stage questions covering the topic of decimals.
  3. Complete SPaG assessment questions. Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 4

Yr 6 Homework

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due by 9am on Wednesday 1th December.

  1. Complete 3 reads to an adults & get your reading record signed. This can be at home or at school.

  2. Complete test set on http://www.maths.co.uk – this is a really useful way of us analysing gaps in the curriculum on an individual level.

  3. Complete 10 spellings from the national statutory spellings words. Spelling List (pg 10)

  4. Complete SPaG mini assessment. Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

Year 6 homework 29/11/24

Homework is due in by 9am on Wednesday 4th December.

1.     Complete 3 reads to an adults & get your reading record signed. This can be at home or at school.
2.     Complete test set on http://www.maths.co.uk – this is a really useful way of us analysing gaps in the curriculum on an individual level.
3.     Complete 10 spellings from the national statutory spellings words. Y3-4Spellings 1-110
4.     Complete SPaG activity, similar questions to SPaG test for SATs in May.
Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due by 9am on Wednesday 27th November.

  1. Complete 3 reads to an adults & get your reading record signed. This can be at home or at school.

  2. Complete test set on http://www.maths.co.uk – this is a really useful way of us analysing gaps in the curriculum on an individual level.

  3. Complete 10 spellings from the national statutory spellings words. Spelling List

  4. Complete SPaG activity on sentence punctuation Sentence Punctuation

Please remember that Miss Bold’s homework club has now finished, so children will need to have their homework in by 9am on Wednesday.