Year 6 homework due Wednesday 17th October

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete maths activity – column multiplication – solve questions using formal method

Learn words for Harvest year group song – preparation for Harvest celebration in church on 18th October.

Maths homework is using column method and is set out as a 1*, 2* and 3* activity. Children will choose an appropriate challenge to bring home.

Homework due 10th October

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Complete the times tables activity. This is not a gird activity, there are a handful of random times table questions to solve.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the activity on subordinate clause sentences. This is a one star, two star, three star activity, therefore, your child has chosen a challenge.

Subordinate clauses start with a subordinating conjunction. The children have been using I SAW A WABUB to help them remember some of the most common conjunctions:if, since, as when, although, while, after, before, until, because

Y6 homework due 3rd October

The homework for this week is as follows:
Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Use the picture and write a story about what is happening. Remember to focus on sentence structure, conjunctions and descriptive language.

Y6 homework due 26th September

Year 6 this week are being asked to complete the following homework:

1. Read at least 3 times to an adult and ask the adult to sign the reading record. Encourage your children to add their own comments also.

2. Learn spellings. Complete detailed sentences and write definitions of each spelling word in the list.

3. Complete the maths sheet on factors. We have worked on factors this week. Children need to use their tables knowledge to identify pairs of factors for the numbers given.
For example: 45 – 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45

Have a good weekend!
Year 6 team

Y6 homework due on Wednesday 19th September

1.Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.
2. Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.
3. Complete the blank times tables grid
4. Complete the science activity – this has a literacy focus also, so writing should be of a high standard. We have started to look at classification and children are asked to create a poster (not a Powerpoint presentation) to describe what each of the groups are like. Complete in homework book, not on a separate piece of paper please.
With the science activity it is important that children demonstrate their understanding of the different classifications that have already been introduced to them in class. They may want to focus on 2 different kingdoms and present factual information about each one or they could present all the different kingdoms in one piece of work.

What’s happening in Year 6 this term?

topic overview autumn 2018

Please use this overview as a guide to the Y6 Autumn Curriculum. If you have any questions regarding any work being covered please speak to your child’s teacher.


Aside from the homework due Monday 10th September all homework will be handed out on a Friday and returned the following Wednesday. Again, please direct specific questions to class teachers if you have any queries regarding homework.

Thank you
Year 6 team

Year 6 Homework

week 1 website

Homework is due Monday 10h September please.

Children are required to read at least 3 times to or with an adult and this needs to be signed.
Children need to write a detailed sentence and a definition for every spelling word.
Children are asked to complete a short times table grid over a few evenings.
The Literacy homework will feed directly in to work being completed next week on your child’s autobiography. It is essential that this piece of work is completed otherwise work next work will be tricky. They are required to discuss events in their life and record notes on each event. There are prompts on the planning sheet to support you as well as the child.

Homework – Due 18th June

This week we would like the children to research a sport of their choice. The research they collect will be used to produce a non-chronological report. Therefore, they need to ensure they have sufficient detail to support their writing.

Below are some ideas on what type of things they might research.

  • The origin of the sport.
  • About the sport. For example: The rules
  • Facts
  • Famous people known for the sport.
  • Your chosen sport around the world.
  • Any famous tournaments etc

Thank you,

Miss Jones and Miss Sherry