Spellings due 20th November 2019

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

favourite grammar
knowledge mention
natural occasionally
opposite particular
peculiar possession

Yr6 spellings due 13th November

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

medicine possess
special though
weight earth
famous length
surprise ordinary

Yr6 spellings due 23rd October

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s Cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
calendar complete
describe different
women through
strange probably
sentence suppose

Y6 spellings due 16th October

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty.

All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
actually extreme
certain height
history imagine
increase island
important accident

Spellings due Wednesday 9th October

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

business certain
enough February
forwards guide
naughty popular
strength various

Spellings due 2nd October 2019

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s Cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

exercise experience
separate history
disappear possible
notice occasion
often reign

Spellings due Wednesday 25th

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

caught centre
century heart
busy continue
decide minute
difficult consider

Spellings due Wednesday 18th

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
actual learn
early group
heard circle
often build
eight eighth

There may be some children who have different spellings, please check book if this applies to your child.

Spellings due Wednesday 11th September

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. This term we will focus on revisiting Year 3/4 spelling words. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
accident answer
address believe
actually bicycle
appear breath
arrive breathe

Yr6 spellings due 3.4.19

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.