4PW – Times Tables TTRS Heatmaps

Dear 4PW Parents and Carers,

By the end of the week, your child will come home with an updated TTRS heatmap in their homelink diaries. This shows the amazing progress we have all been making with our times tables recall! Please keep practicing as much as you can at home (not just TTRS, writing out in your homework book or chanting them on your daily dog walk – whatever works for you!). We are continuing daily times tables practice in school too.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Mrs P and Mrs W 🙂

Year 4 Homework Autumn Term 2

Autumn 2 homework country fact file year 4

Homework Overview Autumn term 2 2024 Year 4

Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 4 Area Perimeter Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 4 Multiplication and Division Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 4 Number and Place Value Maths Knowledge Organiser

Please find attached the homework overview for this term. We have also included some examples for the project part of the homework, and some knowledge organisers which may be useful when looking at the maths at home.

4PW TTRS Heat maps

Dear 4PW Parents and Carers,

4PW will be coming home tonight with TTRS heat maps stuck in the back of their Home Link diaries. These heat maps show which tables your child already knows and what they are good at! Red and orange are questions we need to be improving and grey tables are ones that your child doesn’t know yet. If your child has joined us in Year 4 they might have grey questions but already know the times table. This is because they need to spend more time on TTRS to improve the data it has. For the new children, we will recheck their heat maps in a few weeks once they have spent more time logging into TTRS.

Your child’s TTRS password and log in details can be found at the front of their Home Link book and a letter went home on Monday explaining how to log in – please check bags incase they have been eaten! TTRS is part of our homework.

Thank you for your continuing support! If you have any questions please speak to myself or Mrs Wheat.

Mrs P 🙂