
This week the children has some quick maths activities to complete. They are only short and will be testing what they can remember from the year.

This will be due in Monday 10th or Tuesday 11st of June.

Alongside the maths activity, the children need to read at least 3 times to an adult. New times tables rock stars will be online from Monday and that will be due Friday.

They have new spellings to learn and will be tested next Friday.

Have a great weekend!


Just  a reminder… the children will need to work on their space themed mobiles over the holiday. We can’t wait to see what they have produced.

They will still have times tables homework set on Monday. Also, we will be checking reading diaries for 6 reads (this was set from last week).

Have a happy and safe half term.


Homework – Half Term

Homework: Due Tuesday 4th of Wednesday 5th June.

For homework we would like the children to create a space themed mobile. This could be based around the planets; for stars or famous astronauts. We will be passing them over to Mr Moody who will hopefully use them on our Carnival float in June.

We have provided some ideas for some inspiration on their homework slip.

Alongside this, we would like the children to continue to read 3 times a week (including half term – 6 in total). Times tables homework will be online from Monday to Friday next week and over half term.

The spelling test will be next Friday 24th May.

Spellings Wk 3



This week for homework the children have a subordinating conjunctions task to complete. We have provided an acronym for them to use and you will find this in their homework books.

2/3* – Add a conjunction and then finish the sentence. Create 3 of your own using a suitable conjunction.

1* – Add in the most suitable conjunction from the ones you have been given.

Alongside this, the children will need to read 3 times to an adult and have all been set 3 games on times tables rock stars. The times tables games do not go online until Monday and are due to be completed by Friday morning.

Below are the spellings for next week, due to be tested on Friday 17th May.

Spellings Wk 2

Homework is due in Monday or Tuesday (13th or 14th) of May. Reading diaries will be checked next Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.


This week for homework we are asking for the children to produce a poster on Rivers (our summer topic). This will be due in Tuesday 7th May.

If your child has already completed this and brought it into school then they will only have spellings to learn.

As always, we ask that the children read to an adult 3 times during the week and complete their homework on times tables rock stars.

Spellings Wk 1

Have a lovely long weekend!


For homework this week and over the Easter holidays, can the children produce an A4 poster highlighting an aspect of rivers. This is our summer term topic.

This could be:

Rivers of England

Rivers of the World

Parts of a river

How a river is formed

Pollution of a river

This will be due into school Monday 29th April or Tuesday 30th of April.


This week for homework, they children will be looking at subtraction which may include exchanging. We have gone over the method again with the children as this is a refresh. At the bottom of the page is some handwriting to complete.

Alongside this, they will have times tables rock stars homework set from Monday. They will need to read to an adult at least 3 times and a new set of spellings can be found below.

Have a great weekend!

P.S – A quick reminder for any children on the residential. Please bring them to the hall at normal time on Monday morning. Any children not going, they will be based in 4P for the three days.


Spellings Wk 12


This week for homework the children will have spellings, which you will find below. They will need to read to an adult at least three times during the week and will be set new time tables homework from Monday.

In addition to this, the children will have fractions homework. The children need to add and subtract fractions to find the missing parts of the pyramid.

We have gone over how to complete the pyramids in class today so the children should know what they need to do.

Homework is due in Monday 18th or Tuesday 19th of March. The spelling test will be Friday 22nd March.

Have a lovely weekend!

Spellings Wk 10