5L website builders

Good morning,

As I have previously mentioned, as part of our topic and ICT work we have been creating websites. While the technology tried its best to stop us over two lessons we researched selected Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and then learnt how to use this information to create websites.

I hope you will agree that these have turned out amazing, the combination of facts and media make them interesting and exciting to view. All websites have not been published due to some rather frustrating technical issues, however I will ensure these groups have the opportunity to complete these on Friday.

This was a new challenge for the children and myself but is something we hope to repeat later in the year.

Please use the links to view our created pages.








Global Avengers Session 2

At Global Avengers Club this week we looked at inequalities within education. We discussed some of the reasons why children can not access an education and what needed to happen to change this. The children then created a lock & key chain which represents barriers to break down in the majority world. We hope to present to a local MP later in the year.

If your child is interested in joining global avengers (Upper School only) then please speak to Mr J!

5L tasting Japan

What an amazing morning!

It was a privilege to be invited to NGHS this morning to participate in a ‘taste of Japan’ day, one that 5L could not refuse. It was ran by Mr and Mr’s Fujii- Fuji Sensei- who shared their expert knowledge and taught us many things about Japanese culture. We learnt how to bow to say hello, introduce ourselves by poking our noses, safe ways to cross the road and how to protect ourselves during an earth quake.

There were many challenges including the attempt at mastering the correct use of chopsticks and taking great care to fold our own origami dogs. The morning finished off with a fantastic lesson in how to make sushi, where groups had the opportunity to choose the ingredients that would be rolled into sushi before Mr Lawson’s favourite part of  taste testing.

Myself, Mr Higgins and Mr Leonard were very impressed with the behaviour demonstrated during this trip. I am very happy to say 5L were brilliant representatives of NJS, showing excellent manners and keen attitudes.



Netball Club

For all the children who expressed an interest in netball club thank you.

Netball club will start next Tuesday, 10th September, after school. It will be on the small yard and children need to be in outdoor P.E kit. I recommend that children have a water bottle and perhaps an extra healthy snack.

The club will finish at 4.30pm and parents can collect from the main yard. I will escort the children to you. If you feel you want to watch your children during the club you are more than welcome but you may need to wrap up.

I will need to select a team within the next few weeks so it is very important that children regularly attend.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Sherry

5M Assembly – 9.15am

Please remeber it is our class assembly at 9.15am tomorrow.

Anyone attending please drop the children off at our classroom as normal and then wait in the quiet area- if it’s raining make your way to the hall.

many thanks for your support – 1 to go!

Year 5 RSE

Year Five have all done the first session of their Relationship and Sex Education today, focusing on changes. Discussions were led by the children and naturally there were lots of questions and vocabulary/slang terminology that they brought up. Please be assured that we made it clear to the children which words were appropriate and which were not, and that all discussions were carried out with maturity from the children. Please do not be alarmed if you hear some unusual words and phrases this weekend, and reiterate the message of appropriate/inappropriate language!

The year five teachers 

Year 5 Cookery Club: Tomorrow!

Last session for our current cooks tomorrow: 12pm at the Bungalow please!

Please bring a tin to put your cookies in.