Just a reminder that there is no mindfulness club tomorrow because I will be at the cross country event. This message is also on the newsletter, website and children have been reminded in assemblies. Thank you, Miss H x


Tomorrow’s cross country race is in Telford Town Park. Like last week, the first race is at 4.30pm.

Children will be released from class at 3 o’clock and can be collected from the school office once they have got changed.

Like last week, when you arrive at the town park, look for the NJS flag. Myself and Miss Payne will be there as soon as we are able to leave school, and Mr L and Mr M will follow once they get back from the Year 4 residential.

Please remember warm layers, a snack and a drink.

Miss H

5H April FOOLS! Ha ha ha

Some photos of 5H busily preparing the grass on the field for ‘a photographer’ this morning. The grass just wasn’t green enough! They also needed to find out how many blades there were in each hula hoop of grass, just in case it wasn’t thick enough for the photos! The children got up to 752 blades between them and then lost count. Ha ha ha APRIL FOOLS!

Year 5 Cookery Club!

Cookies on Wednesday!  Please can children bring a tin.

Please can any children who have borrowed containers from the kitchen make sure they are returned!

Past Papers

During parents evening we were asked by a number of parents about some past papers which they could access with their children at home. Below are links to recent past papers. As you will see there are some similar questions, which are regularly used through out all the tests; by practicing some test skills with your children we hope this will help prepare them for the future.


Mr M, Miss H and Mr L

Year 5 Cookery Club!

On Wednesday we are making ‘Summer Pasta’!  Please can children bring a ‘Tupperware’ container with a sealed lid.

See you at 12!

5L class assembly

Practise is in full swing for Fridays assembly. I am very impressed with the way 5L have learnt their lines and jumped feet first into their time on stage.

We are looking forward to performing in front of the whole school and those parents who can make it.

I wanted to remind those parents joining us for the assembly, we will be starting at 14.50 sharp (as it is quite long at the moment) so please aim to be at school slightly earlier, so we can all be ready in our seats.

Many thanks,

Mr Lawson