Yr 5 Homework – Spelling

Attached are the statutory word list for Years 3 and 4 – words which children are expected to be able to spell.

We would like the children to practice these words and become secure with them, using them on a daily basis within all lessons at school.

After Christmas we will test the children on a random 12 spellings taken from this list. Many of the words below, the children already know, however some are trickier than others.

Many thanks for your support this term, we hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year.

The Year 5 Team.



The NHS are in school tomorrow offering the flu spray to children in Years 3, 4 and 5.  However they will only receive the spray if we have a completed permission form.

There are 75 children who have not sent a form into school; please note that if this is not received in the morning they will not get the flu spray.

Please collect a form from the office if you need one.

Jonathan Brown 🐌

Jonathan Brown (our Giant African Land Snail) had a great time exploring the classroom this afternoon, and in the meantime we gave her tank a good clean! 🐌

5L clay- uniform beware

It will be 5L’s turn to use the clay to create our William Morris inspired tiles tomorrow morning (5/12/18).

I have already spoken to the children and I would like to suggest they bring in an old t-shirt/jumper they can wear to help protect their uniform. They will be offered art shirts however these are not always 100% protective.

cheers for your support,

Mr Lawson