Year 5 Swimming Reminder!

Year 5 classes please remember you are swimming on Monday!

Sensational science at BBS

Today we had the privilege of visiting Burton Borough School for the morning to learn some exciting new things in science.

We enjoyed some exciting rocket making before sending them off into the sky using the power of air. We learnt about acids and alkali’s by creating a fizzing rainbow. And we became alien detectives by analyzing blood samples to discover who wasn’t who they claimed to be.

What a great morning!

We all learnt loads, enjoyed ourselves and behaved impeccably. Well done year 5 it was great to see you fixated in your science.

From the year 5 team.

Swimming Reminder!

We are going to be able to use our pool next week so we would like to give the children a chance to swim.

Children will need their swimming kit on the days mentioned below:

Monday 9th July Year 3 children will swim in the afternoon.

Tuesday 10th July Year 4 children will swim in the afternoon.

Year 6 did manage to get a swimming session this week so we will arrange for Year 5 to swim next Monday (16th July)

Thank you.

Mrs M’s Challenge

Well done to Jack and Harry for practising their stone skimming at Lake Vyrnwy this weekend!

Cookery club date change

As there is a disco next Wednesday, 20th June Cookery club will be cancelled.

The last two dates will be 27th June and 4th July.

Thank you,

Mrs Sisson

5L Crime writing day

Today we had a scandal!

We found our library had been broken into and all the laptops and kindles had been stolen.

With this knowledge we scrapped our plan for the day and started to look at writing a crime report. We researched fingerprints and took our own before visiting the crime scene. Many members of staff were accused throughout the day with the children justifying their accusations with evidence (including myself!!!)

The day inspired some fantastic writing and engaging  conversation all day before Mr Rotherham announced the perpetrator was our very own Mr Parker.

Here are a few pictures of the brilliant day.