5PJ enjoyed learning how to use Crumble programming.  They made a carousel ride that used a motor to spin and a sparkle box to light up.


Good afternoon 5PJ parents and carers,

Thank you all for your time today! Please find our e-mails below should you wish to reach us.



Have a lovely evening!

Miss J and Mrs P

Beech’s Base – No Nurture Groups Wednesday 19th October 2022

Good Evening all

Just a reminder there are no Nurture Groups running tomorrow at Beech’s Base 🙂

Have a lovely half term and see you on Wednesday 2nd November!

Mrs K x


5PJ Art

5PJ have enjoyed learning about  the artist Sonia Delauney and how her work changed over the years.  The children have enjoyed designing and making a cape in the style of Sonia Delauney.



Good afternoon from 5PJ!

We were having fun in Beech’s base yesterday so we missed out on celebrating World Mental Health Day as a class! 

This afternoon, we spoke about how important our mental health is and ways we can look after our mental and physical health.

The children then wrote a reflection in their spiritual scrapbooks and a colouring task with 1 message… How you feel matters!

Have a lovely evening 5PJ

Miss Jones