5PJ at Beech’s Base

5PJ have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

Our theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our  Geography topic – Resources.. We discussed what this meant and how we can use resources from the environment. Some of the vocabulary included being efficient and effective.  Today’s activities included Purifying water, Den Building, Leaf Printing and Acorn painting. The children developed a game where they created a currency using acorns this helped demonstrate how trading helped with being sustainable . We cooked baked beans over the fire and ate with bread :).

Thanks for a super day 4J

Mrs K x 🙂



5PJ – PE Reminder!

Good afternoon 5PJ,

Please remember tomorrow (Monday) we have P.E in the hall and therefore, you will need your P.E kit.

We are moving on from Bollywood to Line dancing tomorrow!

Have a fantastic Sunday!

Miss Jones

European Day of Languages – The Netherlands

5W had a brilliant time finding out about The Netherlands. We learnt some Dutch greetings, learnt about Dutch traditions and ate lots of Gouda cheese! 🧀 

Message for 5W Parents and Carers…

letter re 5W

Please find attached a letter for your attention.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

Yr 5 Spellings – 16th-21st September

Here are week 1 spellings and handwriting practice

They have also come home with the children on Friday 16th Sept.

Week 1 – week 1

Year 5 School Council

Your children have been asked to prepare a speech if they would like to be considered for school council. The position of school council will be for 2 children from each class, who will be voted in by their class mates. The class teachers will ensure the children are aware of democracy and this will meet one of the modern British values we work towards.

School council will meet with Mrs Pearson once a week to discuss issues and make plans for the school.

If your child would like to be considered then they will need to have their speeches ready for Friday morning.

The successful school council representatives will be presented in assembly on Friday afternoon.