Reminder about swimming

We hope you have had a great half term.

Just a reminder – Year 6 are swimming Monday this week and next and not on Tuesday, so remember your kits in the morning.


Mr Men and Little Miss Day!

Some great costumes to see today. Thank you for all the effort that has gone into these costumes. The children have had a fantastic week. Creating their own characters, writing their own stories and producing leaflets and books.

Here are some photos of Year 3 and Year 6 to start us off! More to follow.

Year 6 Swimming date change (1st two weeks after half term)

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 6,

Please note that due to timetabling issues, Year 6 will now swim on the following dates during the first two weeks back after half term:

Monday 7th June

Monday 14th June

After this date, Year 6 swimming will revert to Tuesdays.

Kind regards,

The Year 6 Team

Mental Health Awareness Week – Sam

Sam spent the weekend participating in a virtual Cubs pirate camp which involved lots of nature-themed activities. He pitched a tent and slept in it, did a hike taking various photos for a scavenger hunt, built a campfire and cooked on it (s’mores!), made a boat, flags and pirate ballista (catapult), painted a pirate themed stone and hid it on the hike. These are all fantastic ways to look after your mental wellbeing and great ways to have fun in the outdoors! Well done Sam and thanks for sharing.

Mental Health Awareness Week – Edward

Edward has completed lots of fun-filled nature activities this weekend. He went on a walk around Church Aston, around Newport canal, pond dipping down to the allotments and made his own wildlife pond with some tad poles in a pot for the garden. These are all wonderful ways to connect with nature and look after your mental wellbeing! Well done and thank you for sharing them with us Edward.

Maybe you like the sound of these activities and could give them a try this week?

Mental Health Awareness Week – Esme

Esme has had a very rewarding week with her family’s new dog. Esme has spent lots of time helping her to settle in, as well as lots of walks in the park in all weather! Animals are a lovely way to look after our mental wellbeing, particularly if they need walking in the fresh air! Well done for your courage, patience and care, Esme!