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Phonics support at home – reading App

Read with Phonics is an App that can be downloaded to support children at home. This is the closest model to the Read Write Inc programme we use at school. This can be downloaded from App Store for Apple or any android App Store.

The App is easy to set up and very user friendly. If you are having any problems please contact and I will do my best to help you.

Home learning 8.1.2021

Hello Year 6!

We hope you are getting used to the new way of learning. Tomorrow you have an English, Maths, Reading prediction and Topic lesson to do.

The live lesson is introducing the new topic of the Tudors to you, see you there!

Remember there is also a member of the year 6 teaching team on the year group email if you need help.

English lesson

Lesson 3 08.01.21

Maths lesson slides 13 – 16

Wk 1 Maths

Reading prediction
To make a prediction 08.01.21

Topic lesson

Lesson 1 Timeline

Beech’s Base Head Teacher Award Children

Good Morning NJS!

Hope you are all well.  As we are still in bubbles we will still have to separate the children for HTA at Beech’s Base. Below is how it will be organised.

All children who have received a HTA will attend on Monday. Those who need to catch up from previous missed weeks can also attend this Monday 🙂

  • Children will need to come into school in suitable outdoor clothing not uniform. They can bring a change of clothes for afterwards if they wish, this does not need to be uniform. Outdoor shoes/wellies will need to be brought in, in a carrier bag.
  • A packed lunch will need to be brought in please.

Children will attend for half an hour with their time split between eating their packed lunch and toasting a marshmallow. This will allow us to be able to keep year groups separate. They will have half an hour playtime with their peers either before or after their time at Beech’s Base depending on the year group they are in.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska


Year 6 Home Learning 07.01.21

Hello Y6!
We hope you managed well with the work for Wednesday. We are sure you’ve done very well! Don’t forget to send examples of work to and get some well deserved feedback.

Today’s work is as follows:

Literacy is your online lesson today.
6J is at 9am
6S is at 10am
6K is at 11am

Resources for Literacy lesson: Lesson 2 07.01.21
lesson 2 skills

Maths – refer to slides 7-12 only
Wk 1 Maths

Beliefs and Values lesson on Wise Men B&V 1

Reading is a reading comprehension based on one of our courageous advocates Nelson Mandela. Answers are provided for parents.
Year-5-6-Reading-Comprehension Nelson Mandela

Have a good day all!

Year 6 Home Learning 6.1.21

Welcome back Y6, albeit not the New Year nor new term we expected.  We sincerely hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas break!

Home Learning will be posted online daily and one lesson will be delivered online by one of the three Y6 teachers.  Today’s lesson is being done by Mr Jones.

All completed work and work related questions can be directed to

Any individual questions regarding your child can be directed towards class teachers:

Today’s home learning is as follows:

Literacy – identifying genre features

UNANNOTATED – Diary entry

Lesson 1 06.01.21

Maths – multiplication –  recap of skills

Maths Wk 1

Reading – book review of something read over the Christmas holidays.

To write a book review 06.01.21

Wellbeing – complete the gratitude heart.

gratitude heart

Children are expected to complete work in home learning books provided before the Christmas break.  If anyone should require a new book please contact the school office and we will arrange for an alternative book to be placed in the drop box at the school gate.  Please encourage your child to keep their book tidy and present work to a high standard.

Take care of yourself!

Year 6 team x

Wellbeing support for parents

We are always striving to support our families as best we can. The NHS have prepared some audio clips that can be used as wellbeing/emotional support for children and adults who are struggling to deal with a range of issues.

You may have children who are experiencing school closures due to bubbles closing, ill health or experiencing anxiety, these clips are designed to support calming down strategies.

NHS audio clips –

We hope this will provide some support at home.

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