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Year 6 children….reminders!

Year 6 children who remain at home…. please can we remind you we would love to receive a contribution to a Year 6 Leavers Book.  An A4 page with a message to your friends, photograph of yourself and contact details if you wish.  Please email it into or leave it in the ‘Drop Box’ for me.

Also… if you wish to contribute to the Leavers Assembly on Facebook Live at 10am on the 16th July send me a recording or piece of writing with some memories of NJS.

Remember: you are welcome to collect your Leavers Jumper, school report and other belongings on Tuesday 16th July.

Home Learning – Monday 6th July

Morning Year 6!

Just a few messages about the next couple of weeks. This week is your final week with English, maths and an ‘other’ lesson. Next week, I have set a week long project to end the term. I hope that you have enjoyed the home learning 🙂

As always, please e-mail any questions or work to

Week 6 Monday Slides PDF

Week 6 Monday Slides

Take care,

Miss Jones x

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