Dear Parents,
Year 3 homework to be completed by 17.5.19
Year 3 Spellings to be tested 17.5.19
Homework this week is to learn the next ten words from the Year 3 National spelling list. Continue to read at home and please fill in your reading diary.
We have now completed most of the times tables, so next week’s TTRS tests will be on the 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10x tables. PLEASE encourage your child to practice on TTRS – we have some children in year 3 who have not engaged with the program since March!! This will obviously not help them to progress. Other children have had remarkable success, with repeated drill and practice – please help your children to learn this important life skill.
Homework this week is to complete the “Where / wear / we’re” sheet, which should be in your child’s homework book.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 3 Team.