Year 3 Homework/Spellings

Please find below this weeks homework for spelling/handwriting practice.

Also attached is their eat-well food diary which needs completing over the weekend, ready for the children’s workshop on Monday 7th October. They have also brought home a copy of this today (4/10/24).

Week 5 spellings to send 2.10 Aut 1st half

Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Year 3 Homework – Week 3; 20th – 25th September

Please find enclosed the Year 3 spellings and handwriting homework for this week.

We have both marked a number of homework books this week and have given them back to the children with these new spellings.

Week 3 Spelling Aut 1st half

Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Year 3 Homework and Spellings Summer 2nd Half

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 Spellings Homework Summer 2nd half 2024 PDF

Year 3 Spellings Homework Summer 2nd half 2024

Please find attached this term’s Homework and Spellings for Year 3. If you require any further information, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings this week and next week, Homework and TTRS

Dear Parents and Carers,

Week 3 Spellings Year 3

Week 4 Spellings Year 3

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2023

Apologies for the late posting of this week’s spellings – we have had several technical issues with the school website and loading up files. Hopefully these are now resolved.

Also attached is a reminder copy of the Year 3 homework for this half term.

Finally, children are currently engaged in a national competition on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). With this in mind, we would really appreciate it if you could allow your children to play on TTRS as often as possible over the next 24 hrs. The maximum time they can count towards the competition is 1 hr of playtime.

Once this competition has finished, we would recommend that children continue to  spend at least 10 minutes per day practicing their times tables on TTRS.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Weekly spelling Week 4

  • Weekly spelling list, please use spelling menu to support the learning of these spellings.
  • Support will be given in class to rehearse spelling rule.
  • A test will be given at the end of the first half term.

This weeks spellings follow a pattern around the /ur/ sound spelt with ear.











Year 3 Weekly Spelling Week 3

  • Weekly spelling list, please use spelling menu to support the learning of these spellings.
  • Support will be given in class to rehearse spelling rule.
  • A test will be given at the end of the first half term.

This weeks spellings follow a pattern around the long /ai/ sound spelt with ai.









