3B Beech’s Base

Class 3B had a fab time at Beech’s Base today, despite the actual Beech’s Base site being waterlogged! They made animal skeletons as part of Science / Stone Age history work, ate some marshmallows and generally enjoyed being outside!


How to eat well, in Class 3B!

Yesterday, Class 3B took part in a Sugar Awareness session, called ‘Eatwell’, which gave the children a surprising insight into how much sugar is contained in everyday foods and drinks. Did you know that there are 15 cubes of sugar in a 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola?! 3B didn’t, but they do now!


Homework Gallery, by Class 3B!

Wow, 3B! You have blown us away with your responses to the homework tasks this term. Some of these must have taken ages! All children who submit homework receive lots of house points for their team. Well done all of you, and I look forward to the next project!

3B raised awareness during Antibullying Week

Last week saw 3B raising awareness of Antibullying Week by taking part in Odd Socks Day, and completing an assembly in class about respect.

I’m in ‘The Beano’!

Congratulations to Ruby, who managed to have her letter to ‘The Beano’ comic published! Well done Ruby!

Map of the Day!

This marvellous map was created in response to Mrs Jones’s map-making homework – a job well done!

Class 3B Chetwynd Deer Park

A super afternoon was had, deer-spotting and learning about old farming methods! Well done 3B

Class 3B Beech’s Base tomorrow pm (16/10/24)

Dear Parents and Carers of 3B,

As you will know, we have our first Beech’s Base session tomorrow afternoon.

Please ensure you send your child in wearing their Beech’s Base clothing, i.e.: fairly similar to today’s clothing, wearing a pair of normal trainers for the inside, and their wellies in a bag.

They will need clothing that they don’t mind getting muddy, as I am told it is quite boggy down there! Wellies ARE advised – trainers may get ruined by the mud.

Also, please send them with a raincoat, as rain is forecast for later in the day.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Class 3B Parents Consultation reply slips

Dear Parents and Carers of 3B,

Just a polite reminder to say that there are still some spaces to come and see me on Monday for a 10 minute consultation about your child. If you would like to do this, please contact me via the letter form that was sent home, or by email, on andrew.butler@taw.org.uk

The morning sessions are reserved for telephone conversations / Microsoft TEAMS calls, and the afternoon is for face-to-face conversations in the school hall.

Please ignore this message if you have already organised your consultation.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

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