Year 3 Christmas Tree decorations

Dear Parents,

The Year 3 Christmas tree is looking rather bare at present and we would like to give children the opportunity to decorate it!

Please send in a bauble decoration, either hand-made or pre-made, that you are prepared to donate to school.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Christmas Play Songs

Dear Parents,

Christmas is just around the corner (seems like yesterday that it was September!), and we would really like your help – please could you support your child to learn the words to these songs as soon as possible, as we will need to film and sing next week sometime. Any practice will be valuable, but don’t worry if this is too short notice – we will be doing some practice in school as well (socially distanced / outside!).

3W Songs:

Away in a Manger

Silent Night

3B Song:

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree – by Brenda Lee

3P Song:

Band Aid 1984: Do They Know it’s Christmas?

There is one song which all classes need to learn the words for:

Merry Christmas Everybody – by Slade

Over the next few days, your children should be bringing home a copy of the words, but in case they don’t, here they are.

Year 3 Christmas Play Songs

Once again, thank you for your continued support!

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

3B Apologies

Dear Parents,

My deepest apologies to parents of certain children in my class who have returned home wearing school uniform t-shirts soiled with pastel chalk.

Whilst many children in class were able to complete the activity and remain spotlessly clean, several children struggled to resist the temptation to use their t-shirts as a canvas. In theory, the pastel chalk should come out in the wash.

Thank you for your understanding,

Kind regards,

Mr Butler


Year 3 Art Shirts

Dear Parents,

All children in Year 3 need to bring in an old t-shirt or shirt to wear on top of their school clothing, for use during Art lessons. It will potentially get covered in paint and other materials, so needs to be old / not needed anymore.

Many children bring in one of mum or dad’s old shirts, or t-shirts, so they can be worn over clothing, without being too tight.  This item will need to be small enough to store in their locker or drawer in class.

Thank you for your support,


The Year 3 Team.


This could be

Year 3 Homework Autumn 2nd half

Dear Parents,

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2020

Skeleton Cut Out and Label Home Learning Task

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Please find attached the Year 3 homework and spellings for this half term. Children also have a paper copy of these attachments. They should use their orange Homework books to record any spelling practice, times tables practice or other work they complete, plus the work on the human body.

If children wish, they can learn both sets of the spellings for testing w/c 14/12/20. Please support them to do this.

The homework books are due in on Monday 14th December. This is the correct date – apologies but the sheet sent home incorrectly states 12th December!

As always, please continue reading daily with your children, signing their reading diaries and writing any comments you feel will be useful. Children should try to use TTRS at least once daily during the week, or for longer periods at the weekend. Please allow access when possible.

Should you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher on the emails listed below:

Thank you for your continued support,

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Parents Consultations 22.10.20

Dear Parents,

We are looking forwards to catching up with you tomorrow during our phone calls and Teams meetings. We will do our best to call at the allotted time and politely request that you also please try to stick to the time slot given, so that things run as smoothly as possible. We will do our best to do the same!

If you are having technical issues with Teams (sound or vision), we will try to contact you by phone, so please have your mobile to hand, just in case.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.


Year 3 Homework reminder

Dear Parents and Year 3 children,

Just a quick reminder that Year 3 Spellings and homework are due on Monday 19th October, next week.

Spellings will be tested any time from Monday onwards next week and the Stonehenge poster that children were asked to produce is also due at the same time. This will be displayed in the Year 3 Art display area.

Children should also bring in their orange homework books to show their teachers what they have been doing to practice spellings, maths and any other activities in support of their learning.

I have attached the homework sheets below as a reminder of the tasks.

Homework for Autumn 1st half 2020

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park Day Photos

Year 3 Children had a brilliant day out today, despite the weather only being suitable for ducks! Here is a selection of some of the photos taken, of Class 3B + 1/2 class 3P.  We had great fun in the morning at school, building bug hotels, completing scavenger hunts and investigating a wasp’s nest, kindly donated by Mr Rotherham.

In the afternoon, we walked to and from the park, completing a tractor ride, hunting the elusive deer (we saw them running away from us!), measuring tree trunks and aging the trees – one of which was over 500 years old.

Well done Year 3, for behaving exceptionally well, and ‘doing us proud’!