Costumes – Lights Camel Action!

After raiding the drama cupboard, we have found some costumes for our Christmas production. If your child is one of the following, we have a costume for them in school.

Innkeeper’s wife, Mary, Joseph, Camels, Wise men, Angels, Shepherds and Innkeepers.

The following children will need to find a costume for the production.

Donkey – A donkey costume.

Caesar – A roman style costume.

Nazareth townspeople, husband and wife – Brown and grey clothing.

Sheep – A sheep costume

Star – All gold or silver clothing

Singers – Brown and grey clothing

Jive dancers – Bright clothing

Disco dancers – Bright and sparkly clothing

Tango dancers – Shirt and trousers (a tie if possible)

Line dancers – brown and grey clothing, a cowboys hat (only if you have one)


Thank you!


Tag Rugby

A reminder to all year 4 parents that children will need trainers, shorts, jogging bottoms and a top for P.E tomorrow. Andy Protheroe will be taking children for tag rugby sessions in the afternoon.

Many thanks,

Mrs Sisson

Wolseley Bridges trip – 20.6.18

Dear Parents/ Carers,

A reminder about our trip tomorrow:

Children to wear clothes appropriate for the weather (not school clothes)

Children to bring a packed lunch – preferably in a disposable bag.

Children to bring sun cream/water/wet weather gear.

An alternative pair of shoes/wellingtons in a named plastic bag.

All children will be back in school time – ready for the disco at 3.30. Children can leave disco clothes in school.

Looking forward to a fantastic day out.

Year 4 team.