Beeches Base – 4OP

Just a reminder that the children in 4OP will be attending Beeches base tomorrow – Wednesday 19th June.

Please can they come into school in the appropriate attire. With the unpredictable weather, we would suggest waterproofs and spare shoes etc.

For those children taking part in 4N’s violin concert (children who have individual lessons with Olivia) please come to school in your uniform and bring your change of clothes. 

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Good morning year 4!

We hope that you have all have a lovely half term. Tomorrow (Tuesday 4th June), we will be heading to Lichfield Cathedral for our ‘Inspire’ trip. Below are a few reminders for this:

  1. Please ensure you drop your child/children off at 8:15am. We will be leaving promptly at 8:30am.
  2. Please provide your child with a packed lunch in a plastic bag that they can throw away. Any children who are in receipt of free school meals will have a meal provided for them from our school kitchen.
  3. Bring a water bottle for the day.
  4. Any travel sickness medication needs to be handed to the teachers with instructions.
  5. The day ends between 2:00-2:30pm. We will post and ETA on the website and school Facebook page.
  6. Children are required to wear school uniform. Lichfield can be cold even on a hot day so it is recommended that children come with a cardigan/fleece etc.

We are looking forward to the day!

The Year 4 Team