Music in 4OP!

This morning, we went into the hall to use the musical instruments to create a soundscape. We’ve looked at many elements to music including the orchestra and instruments we may see in one. The challenge we had was to create a soundscape inspired by a piece of art.

What an amazing job all of the groups did! The team work and listening was exceptional and I was very proud of them all for being so creative.

Well done 4OP!


06.12.23 – Year 4 Music!

Good morning everyone,

This week year 4 have a fantastic opportunity to have a lesson within the music department at Burton Borough School. On Wednesday afternoon (06.12.23), we will be taking half of the year group at a time for a 45 minute lesson with the BBS music teachers.

As per the home school packs (signed at the start of the year), permission for local visits (like BBS) has already been agreed. Anyone who doesn’t have permission will remain in school.

We will be heading to BBS in the afternoon only and we will be back just before the end of the school day.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw, Mr Moody and Mrs Naylor

4OP Reminder!

Good morning,

Just a quick reminder that on Wednesday 29th November at 10am, we will be putting on a little violin concert for all parents/carers of children in 4OP. We really hope that you are able to attend to see just how well the children have done. Olivia (the music teacher) will be able to share much more with you about the 10 weeks.

See you Wednesday!

Mrs Ollerenshaw

4OP Violin!

Another super week of violin for 4OP! They are beginning to get ready for the mini performance planned on Wednesday 29th November.

We look forward to seeing you all! The children are really excited to show you how much they have discovered over the weeks. The violin is not an easy instrument to play and each week they have shown a great amount of resilience.


Being a ‘Bully Buster’ in 4OP!


4OP have had a fantastic start to anti-bullying week! This year the theme is make a noise about bullying and we’ve spent some time looking at what bullying is.

We have discussed different scenarios and even had an assembly led by wellbeing mentors from BBS pupils.

We want to be a bully buster in 4OP… someone who spots bullying and makes the right choices. Someone who helps others and makes a noise about something happening that doesn’t feel right.

4OP are really clear on how bullying is repetitive and intentional and even looked at what ‘banter’ is.

Well done 4OP!!!

Be bright be seen 4OP

4OP had a great morning with a Be Bright Be Seen workshop! The children looked at how to stay safe with the darker evenings and mornings.

They conducted an experiment to test which fluorescent colour would be the best to wear! After the investigation, the children concluded that Pink was the best. After such a great workshop, the children have all been given a pair of bright gloves to wear during the darker season.

Well done 4OP!