Music in year 4!

Good morning year 4!

I am extremely excited to share a fantastic opportunity the children in year 4 will have this academic year. We are very lucky to have a music teacher come to NJS to teach each class 10 weeks of Violin lessons.

At the moment the plan is as follows:

4OP – 10 weeks in the Autumn term

4M – 10 weeks in the Spring term

4N – 10 weeks in the Summer term

This is really exciting for the children and 4OP have their first lesson Wednesday 20th September. We will post pictures and updates as often as we can. All the equipment will be brought with the music teacher each week. We will go over how to make the most of the opportunity and look after the equipment with children before each session.

I know that I am very excited for this opportunity we have been able to provide the children in year 4.

Look forward to sharing the children’s new skills with you soon!

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Leaf art!

As a school, we have entered an art competition called the ”Big Draw’. Each year group has a different theme and task to do for the competition.

Year 4 have been asked to use leaves and any other autumnal treasures (acorns etc). We will be using them at some point in the next week or so for the competition.

We are therefore asking if you could send some leaves your children may pick up when they are outdoors and any other autumnal treasures they find. If they could be brought into school by Friday 13th October that would be really helpful for our entry! It also gives the leaves the time to dry out so we can complete the task set.

Thank you in advance,

The Year 4 Team

Painting a Scene from a Myth in Art!

Year 4 have had an extremely busy day… all of the children at school spent some of the morning looking at Roman Art as part of our art topic. We looked at how Roman myths have been painted in the past to show a particular ‘scene’. We looked in particular at the story of ‘Echo and Narcissus’ and painted a scene from this Roman Myth.

The children sketched first using a variety of techniques before finishing the piece of art using the watercolours.

An amazing morning!


Today is World Mental Health Day! The theme of the day is ‘Mental Health is a Universal Human Right’.

We spent some of this afternoon talking about mental health and what it means. We also decided ways we could look after our mental health in the future! From this, we have created some mental health themed bunting that will be stuck in the classroom. Some of them have ideas to help when we may feel we need it and others are positive comments (like an affirmation). Year 4 have had a brilliant day!

European Languages Day in 4OP!

We have had a brilliant time looking at why languages are learn! At NJS we focus on French but with so many languages in the world we thought we would look at some new ones!

We discovered how to say ‘My name is…’ Here we are saying my name is in Spanish, German, Italian and Polish!





Well done 4OP!