4OP Violin!

Another super week of violin for 4OP! They are beginning to get ready for the mini performance planned on Wednesday 29th November.

We look forward to seeing you all! The children are really excited to show you how much they have discovered over the weeks. The violin is not an easy instrument to play and each week they have shown a great amount of resilience.


Being a ‘Bully Buster’ in 4OP!


4OP have had a fantastic start to anti-bullying week! This year the theme is make a noise about bullying and we’ve spent some time looking at what bullying is.

We have discussed different scenarios and even had an assembly led by wellbeing mentors from BBS pupils.

We want to be a bully buster in 4OP… someone who spots bullying and makes the right choices. Someone who helps others and makes a noise about something happening that doesn’t feel right.

4OP are really clear on how bullying is repetitive and intentional and even looked at what ‘banter’ is.

Well done 4OP!!!

Be bright be seen 4OP

4OP had a great morning with a Be Bright Be Seen workshop! The children looked at how to stay safe with the darker evenings and mornings.

They conducted an experiment to test which fluorescent colour would be the best to wear! After the investigation, the children concluded that Pink was the best. After such a great workshop, the children have all been given a pair of bright gloves to wear during the darker season.

Well done 4OP!

BBC 500 Words Competition!

As you may have seen on the NJS website, we are hoping to enter as many children as possible into the BBC 500 words competition!

At some point, the children will plan and create their own individual story that they would like to enter. All the ideas are original and we spent some time developing the main character and then mapping out the stories! All children can enter the competition however, we need your help!

Below you will find the link to the website and the instructions from the BBC on how to enter! To help with this, we will be copying the story for the children to bring home so they can be entered. 

We wish all the children the best of luck! They certainly have been creative and should be very proud of themselves!


The Year 4 Team!

Link to enter: 


Instructions from BBC: 

4OP Lunch and Learn

A massive thank you to all the parents/carers who took the time to attend 4OP’s lunch and learn. We had a fantastic morning looking at our times tables!

If you need anything from us please don’t hesitate to contact us:



Music in year 4!

Good morning year 4!

I am extremely excited to share a fantastic opportunity the children in year 4 will have this academic year. We are very lucky to have a music teacher come to NJS to teach each class 10 weeks of Violin lessons.

At the moment the plan is as follows:

4OP – 10 weeks in the Autumn term

4M – 10 weeks in the Spring term

4N – 10 weeks in the Summer term

This is really exciting for the children and 4OP have their first lesson Wednesday 20th September. We will post pictures and updates as often as we can. All the equipment will be brought with the music teacher each week. We will go over how to make the most of the opportunity and look after the equipment with children before each session.

I know that I am very excited for this opportunity we have been able to provide the children in year 4.

Look forward to sharing the children’s new skills with you soon!

Mrs Ollerenshaw