Crucial Crew Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the children in year 6 will be heading to Crucial Crew on Monday 9th July. Any slips that have not been returned need to in by tomorrow (Friday 6th July).

The coach will pick us up at 9:15am and we will be back at school before 3:30. Please can children ensure they have plenty of fluids for the day and a packed lunch.

The weather is due to stay so we would suggest the children bring and hat and sun cream as most of the activities are outside. The children are required to wear their school uniform and this includes the green jumper/cardigan not black hoodies.

Crucial Crew is a fantastic opportunity for the children and an experience they will always remember. We look forward to a great day learning many life saving skills.

Thank you,

Miss Jones and Miss Sherry

Science Museum!

A quick tour around the space exhibit at the museum before going to the gift shop. We are now just making our way out of a very busy London and will be stopping off at the services for tea.

The London Eye!

We’ve just had a fantastic time on the London Eye. Some have faced some fears head on and loved every minute. We’re now off to the science museum as our last stop on what has been an unforgettable experience for the children! Then… it’s home time!

The Globe!

We have had a fantastic morning at the globe and visiting the millennium bridge. I was the embarrassing teacher who made them act like the death eaters were coming from Harry potter.

Continuing with our famous streak, the children witnessed actors in rehearsal for Othello including Mark Rylance.

After lunch, we’re on the London Eye.

A whole new world!

Wow… I think is it safe to say the children were amazed by Aladdin. They loved the show and were often dancing in their seats. They should be very proud of themselves as they’ve lasted the whole day.

Tomorrow we’re off the the globe theatre for a workshop, the London eye and the science museum. Another packed day before making our return home.

The River Tour!

What a day! A day of changes from the start when we missed the first boat. On the way to the boat the children witnessed an exciting thing… Princess Anne being escorted. They were loving the police stopping us and trying to get a picture of her. The River boat was brilliant and the sun was shining for us (if we went this morning is was raining).

We’re back to the hotel now for tea and then off to Aladdin.


Royal walk!

What a morning! The traffic was not on our side so we missed the first river tour. We’ll be on one this afternoon instead. We decided to go on our ‘Royal Walk’ and saw some amazing buildings and the changing of the guards.

Next stop… The Natural History museum!

Chips for breakfast?

The children have all had a great nights sleep and are ready for the day. We’ve started off with breakfast and much to the children’s surprise… chips. Look out for our photos for today.

We’re just getting our things for the day before heading off to the river boat tour.

Running off steam…

Final pictures for today – the children have had a blast. We’re currently running off some steam before heading back for bed. We’ll be up nice and early for breakfast (they can’t wait already).

Tomorrow it’s a river tour; a royal walk; the natural history museum and of course, Aladdin.

It’s going to be a whole new world!