The Tower of London!

What a day we have had! We’ve just seen the crown jewels and they were spectacular. The children can’t wait for tomorrow but after the 5am start, they are ready for a rest. We’re off to the hotel now for tea and the park later.

St Paul’s

Stop one – done!

The silence as we walked in just showed the children in awe of size. Some of the children even walked up the 533 steps to get to the top.

Next step… The Tower of London!

Photography morning!

Some of the children in year 6 were invited to take part in a photography course at the Deer Park. The children had a fantastic morning learning new skills and all took some stunning photos. The photographs have been reduced to one per child (some starting with hundreds) ready to enter into a competition at the Newport Show 2018.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Miss Jones

Homework – Due 18th June

This week we would like the children to research a sport of their choice. The research they collect will be used to produce a non-chronological report. Therefore, they need to ensure they have sufficient detail to support their writing.

Below are some ideas on what type of things they might research.

  • The origin of the sport.
  • About the sport. For example: The rules
  • Facts
  • Famous people known for the sport.
  • Your chosen sport around the world.
  • Any famous tournaments etc

Thank you,

Miss Jones and Miss Sherry