5PJ have had a fabulous day learning about Shetland ponies, hedgehogs, dogs, corn snakes, chameleons, guinea pigs and many more …
5PJ have had a fabulous day learning about Shetland ponies, hedgehogs, dogs, corn snakes, chameleons, guinea pigs and many more …
5PJ enjoyed learning how to use Crumble programming. They made a carousel ride that used a motor to spin and a sparkle box to light up.
5PJ have enjoyed learning about the artist Sonia Delauney and how her work changed over the years. The children have enjoyed designing and making a cape in the style of Sonia Delauney.
Contact Us
Tel: 01952 386600
Office and Attendance: Njs.admin@taw.org.ukHeadteacher Queries: H3082@telford.gov.uk
SENDCO Email: h3082@telford.gov.uk
Newport C.E. Junior School
Avenue Road,
TF10 7EA
Head Teacher: Mrs Nicola Moody
School Business Manager: Lesley Green