Year 4 Home Learning – Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good afternoon,

I hope the tasks today were enjoyable… even the Maths ones?! Please find attached tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) Home Learning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me:

Take care and stay safe.


Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Tuesday 21st April

Instruction Examples

Tuesday Maths 1 Star

Tuesday Maths 2 Star Extension Tuesday Maths 2 Star.docx

Tuesday Maths 3 Star

Year 4 Home Learning – Monday 20th April 2020

Good afternoon,

I hope you have had a lovely Easter Holidays and enjoyed spending time with your family. Please find attached tomorrow’s (Monday’s) Home Learning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me:

Take care and stay safe.


Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Monday 20th April

Monday Maths 1 Star.docx

Monday Maths 2 Star.docx

Monday Maths 3 Star

Mrs Kuczynska’s Back

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have all enjoyed a chocolate filled Easter with your family. I have really missed you but looking forward to keeping in touch through the website and email now I am back.

I will be setting the tasks this week on the website, feel free to email me some photos of your work. I would love to see them. My email address is:

Enjoy the weekend

Love Mrs K 🙂 xxx

Year 4 Homework

Good Morning,

As we are focusing on the Christmas Performance, we would like children to learn their lines and practise the dances (hopefully they will remember them from school!)

If children could still read to an adult 3 x a week and complete the sound checks on TTRS it would be most beneficial.

Have a lovely week 🙂


Half Term Homework


It would be really useful if children could continue reading at least 3 x a week and recording it in their reading diaries. This week we have spoken to the children about meaningful comments in their reading diary, additional House Points will be given to reward these!

Please could children also continue with Times Table Rock Stars  over the half term.

Above all, we hope you enjoy spending the week with your children 🙂

The Year 4 Team

Year 4 Homework Due 25th October


Please find attached the homework and spellings for this week.

The Emoji homework is all on the same document – 1, 2 and 3 star challenges with answers! The children will have the relevant work sheet for them stuck in their homework book.

Have a lovely week, no homework for half term!

Enjoy 🙂

Spellings Wk 6

Emoji Code Breaking 1 2 and 3 star with answers

Week 8

Year 4 Science

Please can your child bring in a torch (if you have one, do not go out and buy one!) next week as our topic for Science will be creating shadows.

Thank you so much for your help

Year 4 Team

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