Year 6 residential

A reminder for all those going on the Year 6 residential to London please can you return the emergency contact form and medical information if you have not already done so.  Many thanks

Year 6 children going to London

Dear Parents

a reminder that the London residential payments should now be complete

many thanks


Young voices tickets

Dear Parent

Please note that we cannot purchase anymore young voices tickets through school. as the order as now been sent.

Young Voices tickets

Dear Parent

I have changed the cost on the parent pay for tickets to £100 this will enable you to purchase more than one ticket should you wish to


Young voices choir tickets

Dear parents,  I can purchase Young Voices Choir tickets through school  please go on to parentpay and pay in the correct money for the tickets, which are £23.00 each,  payments need to be in by  17 October


many thanks

Choir Newport Big Sing

Dear Parent

The choir members who are taking part in the big sing, will be bringing home a letter and two tickets tonight

change of menu

there is a change of menu for Monday 13 March as they are still waiting for a delivery

it will be

Vegetable nuggets / Pizza

Potato slices

hash Browns



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