Year 6 Home Learning Monday 27th April

Good evening Y6.

Here is your home learning for tomorrow (Monday 27th April)

Monday slides

This week, Mr J has set a BOYS v GIRLS challenge on Times Tables Rock Stars!!

The battle will commence at 09:00 tomorrow morning and will end at 18:00 on Thursday 30th April.

Mr J will be announcing the top rockers from across the year group on Friday!

Good luck.

Stay safe,

Mr J

6J French with Mrs Castle

This afternoon,  Mrs Castle (associate teacher) has been delivering some French sessions to 6J.
The children practised their pronunciation and all thoroughly enjoyed the session – especially learning about pizza!

Thank you Mrs Castle.


Y6 Maths Club

Just a reminder that there will be no Year 6 Maths Club this week due to the school disco.

The first session will be on Wednesday 26th February 3.30pm – 4.15pm.

Times Table Rock Stars – Battle of the Bands!

Image result for times table rock stars

The new battle of the bands is set to commence on Saturday 19th October at 12pm and will run through to completion on Thursday 24th October at 12pm with the results being announced in celebration assembly. The battle are shown below.

Boys in Year 3 v Girls in Year 3

Boys in Year 4 v Girls in Year 4

Boys in Year 5 v Girls in Year 5

Boys in Year 6 v Girls in Year 6.

Best of luck – get rocking!!