Year 4 Homework

Dear Parents & Guardians,

We hope you have all had a wonderful summer break & we would like to welcome all of the children back to school.  The children have had a fabulous first week back. We would like to let you know that the year 4 children will be bringing home their homework this evening. The homework that we set will need to be returned on Monday the 18th of October.  We would also like to remind all children to bring their P.E. Kits into school every Monday & swimming will begin after October half term. Have a wonderful weekend. 

Kindest regards the year 4 team 😁

Year 4’s Mental Health Activities for Friday 5th February

Hello Year 4 children and parents,

I hope you have all had a wonderful week so far. Tomorrow, I will be teaching a lesson for 4NJ and 4S focusing on the importance of mental health as part of our mental health week. I would like you to try and download these resources for your lesson tomorrow. I hope you enjoy them.

Kindest regards Mrs Jukes 🙂



5-DAY Self-Love Challenge-Big Life Journal