Catches win Matches!

A great day was had by 20 Y5/6 children today playing a Kwik Cricket tournament at Telford Tennis Centre.

Our 2 teams played each other in the final with NJS 2 coming out on top in a thriller by 5 runs. As I told the children, catches win matches.

Y6 Girls Cricket

We had a great day at an U13 Girls Cricket tournament. We came 5th out of 8 schools even though all the other schools were Secondary Schools. I am so proud of how the girls played and represented NJS, being the only primary school at the event.


6M Skills 4 Bills

6M had a great time this morning learning about different careers, finances and money management. This is really important as the children know the value of budgeting and saving.

NJS wins Girls Football Award!

We are delighted as a school that we have been awarded The Barclays Equal Access School Award 2024 for our promotion of Girls Football at NJS. This is in no small part to all the hard work and dedication that Mrs Wood puts in training, arranging and coaching fixtures.

6M Art Shirts Monday

Could all children in 6M please bring an old t-shirt/shirt on Monday that can have paint on it. They will be painting for the majority of the afternoon.


Mr Marsh

Y6 Tag Rugby Success!

Our Y6 Tag Rugby side travelled to Haberdashers Abraham Darby for a Rugby tournament. We won all 8 matches we played and the children were superb! A great afternoon!

Exciting School Council Decisions

Our School Council have chosen in one of their first decisions of the school year, for last week’s Award winners to present the new week’s Headteacher’s Awards and take the job off Mrs Moody! This a great example of discussing ideas as a group and coming to a decision.

This was a job that last week’s winners thoroughly enjoyed doing. A great change by Mrs Parker and her team. 😊


6M Back to it!

A great first day back today. The children were excellent.😊


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