Y4 Trip to Blists Hill Tomorrow

For the trip tomorrow, children to be in school uniform as usual please and in school promptly for 8.45am so we are ready to depart. Please make sure children are wrapped up nice and warm as being an open air museum, we will be outside for large parts of the day. We look forward to a great day tomorrow!

The Year 4 Team.

4M Pet Day

A great day was had today in 4M with all of the pets that we had in. Thank you very much to the parents and carers that supported us in helping organise the day. It incredibly fun and informative for the children.

4M Art

This morning we are finishing our ‘Journeys’ topic in Art, creating our own abstract Aboriginal artwork. We have had great fun so far and we will hopefully have some masterpieces to show you later this afternoon when they have all dried!