Chester Zoo Reminders

For Chester Zoo tomorrow, could the children please be in school for 8.30, this will allow us to register the children and make a prompt departure.

Children are to wear school uniform with comfortable footwear please. A packed lunch, water bottle and some sensible snacks please as we appreciate it is a long day.

Children will not need any spending money for the trip.

We aim to be back for 6pm but will update on our estimated time of arrival back at NJS once we are on our way back.

We look forward to a great day!

5M Weekly Reminders

Glad to be back tomorrow and get back to it!

Monday – Swimming AM

Tuesday – Cross Country for some children from 10am with Mr Lawson.

Wednesday – Mr Marsh PPA – Ms Branton

Thursday – Chester Zoo Trip – I am mega excited for this!

Friday – Outdoor P.E. (Cricket)

Henry 5M Hockey

Below is a picture of Henry with his hockey team on Friday evening!

Please remember that if you have any good football/dance/cricket/horse-riding or any hobbies pictures of the children, please send them to me as we will definitely look at them in school and talk about it!