Communication Reminder…

Please can we remind Parents and Carers how we communicate with you….

*Our school website is the key portal for information.  Please ensure you have clicked on the ‘Newsletter’ button at the bottom of the Home Page so that you receive all of our messages and reminders.

*We will use ParentPay for permissions for visits and to accept payment.  Please ensure you have activated your account.

*Social media (Facebook and Twitter) is used for useful reminders and not for initial information sharing.  If you see reminders on social media there will have been previous communication via the website.

Please share this reminder with friends.  Thank you for your support.

Help the PTA raise some dough!

Krispy Kreme

To assist with fundraising we are offering the opportunity to purchase 12 Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnuts for only £10 via our sum up shop.

Grab yourselves a half term treat whilst supporting our fabulous school. Please use the link below to access our online shop.


In the contact info section at check out, when it asks for full name please use that section to enter your child’s name and class to help us with handing out your order on the 21st.

Many Thanks

Newport FoodBank

We sent out details for our Harvest Festival earlier this week.

To mark Harvest and support our community we are encouraging donations for Newport Food Bank to be brought into school Monday-Wednesday next week.

They are especially in need of donations of tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned soup, tinned fruit and rice.

We will have trolleys available at all gates Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning for you to drop donations in as the children arrive at school.

Thank you for your support.

Newport Shropshire Foodbank - Home | Facebook | Charity Organization

Class Assembly Reminder!

Thursday 6th October 2.30pm: 6B

Thursday 13th October 2.30pm: 5M

*On the published date parents/carers from that class are invited to the hall at 2.30pm.

*The class will present for around 15/20 minutes about something they have been learning.

*Half of the school children will view the performance with the parents and the other half will view at a different time due to hall capacity… but all siblings will still get to see!

We look forward to seeing you there!