REMINDER: Church tomorrow!

Just a reminder that we have a service at St Nicholas’ Church in the morning.

Please can children arrive at the main church doors between 8.45am and 8.55am.  Unfortunately parents will not be able to come into church at this time: staff will be on the church doors from 8.45am to take the children from you.

Following the service children will walk back to school accompanied by NJS staff.

Friday 8th April – PTA Disco

Children will need to bring £3 for the PTA disco on Friday. They will need to give the money to their class teacher in the morning.

For the £3 they can wear mufti clothes and will be be given a packet of crisps, bag of Haribo sweets and bottle of water while at the disco.

Year 5 and 6 will have their disco -1.15pm – 2.15pm

Year 3 and 4  from 2.15pm – 3.15pm.

There is a normal pick up.

Children will be watching a DVD in the classroom during the rest of the afternoon.

Thank you to the PTA for arranging this for us on the last day of term.

NJS Online Safety Newsletter for April

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find attached the April edition of the NJS Online Safety newsletter.

Online Safety Newsletter April 2022_Newport PDF

Online Safety Newsletter April 2022_Newport

This month’s edition features items about the following:

  • Parental controls for XBox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch
  • Does your child want to be a YouTuber? Tips and hints for safe posting and use
  • Supporting your child with news events surrounding Russia invading Ukraine
  • Fake News and how to spot it
  • Talking with your child about online safety – tips and strategies
  • Apps for kids

Kind regards,

Mr Butler


Parents and Carers

Your child will be bringing home a letter today in a sealed envelope: this letter contains the details you need to create your Parent Pay account.

A letter is attached to remind you what we will be using ParentPay for:

parentpay letter

Manor Adventure Families: your letter will come home with your child on Thursday.

Summer term clubs will go live for sign up on Parent Pay from Friday morning until Wednesday 27th April.


Dinner money

A message from the kitchen.

Some children have brought in dinner money today. Under the new system this can no longer be used and will be returned to the child to bring home again.

The school will be using ‘Parent Pay’ and letters with information about this will be coming out this week.