3L at Beech’s Base

This half term 3L enjoyed some of the Stone Age activities they had been introduced to before half term. We also looked at and ordered body parts into a human skeleton.

Over the fire we cooked apples and then used a pestle and mortar to grind porridge oats. We ate a version of Apple Crumble using the ground oats!!

As this is the last visit to Beech’s Base before Christmas we got into the festive spirit and made Rudolph stick decorations. They looked very effective and we got to practise our knot tying skills!

Thanks for a super day 3L!

3L 31.10.2022

Message for 3B Parents and Carers…

You will be aware that unfortunately Mr Butler has been unwell over the past couple of weeks.  Unfortunately he will be unable to return to work for at least the next two weeks.  Everyone at NJS sends Mr Butler our very best wishes.

Mrs Naylor will continue to cover the class in Mr Butlers absence with Mrs Humphries on a Friday.  We are grateful for your support.

Mrs Moody

Year 3 DT Day (23rd) – Bring a bottle

Dear year 3 parents and guardians

As part of our design and technology focus this term, we have been evaluating torches. With a great link to the electricity topic from last half term, we are planning to spend a day building torches focussing on building circuits and designing a sturdy case.

We have been able to secure funding for all children to make a circuit within school. However, we need your help with the case. After thorough evaluation, we have found the best item to use as a case is a 500 ml plastic bottle such as a coke bottle etc.

We would like all children to bring in a 500 ml plastic bottle in for Wednesday 23rd November. This bottle needs to be sturdy so we would advise a bottle designed for carbonated drinks rather than a flimsy water bottle. The bottle needs to be empty and in school by Wednesday 23rd November. Children may bring them in from Monday 21st November and keep them in their tray.

To ensure all pupils can finish the day with their very own torch that they can bring home, we need all pupils to bring in a plastic bottle. If there are any issues, please contact your class teacher.

All the best,

Year 3 team

POSTPONED SEND coffee afternoon tomorrow

Unfortunately we are cancelling the planned coffee afternoon tomorrow due to ill health of the school educational psychologist, who was due to lead the meeting.

We have been able to book a new date for the meeting later in the month. Julie will be leading  the meeting on emotion coaching on Monday 28th November at 1.30pm. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to seeing you on 28th.

Lost Water Bottle

Dear Parents and Carers,

A child in Y3 has lost their orange and black Nike water bottle. Please could you check at home to see if it has accidently been picked up?

If found, please return to the office or any of the Year 3 team. 😊

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Homework

Dear Parents and Carers,

As per previous messages, Year 3 children should, by now, have handed in their homework books. Please ensure that children have done so by tomorrow, to ensure they receive house points for work completed. Homework handed in after this date will receive marks, but no house points.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.