Year 4 UPDATE!

Following the previous message, swimming is cancelled tomorrow (Thursday 1st July) due to staff absence.

Children are still welcome to come into school in P.E kits as mentioned in the last message.ย 

Sorry for the inconvenience,

The year 4 team ๐Ÿ™‚


The children are very excited for sports day tomorrow! Just a few reminders…

The children will be swimming at some point during the day so will need to bring swimming kits as usual.ย 

The children can come into school in P.E kits ready for their sports day session!ย 

Thank you!

The Year 4 Team ๐Ÿ™‚

Year 4 Swimming Kit Reminder

Hi Year 4!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend. On Monday we will be taking all Year 4 children in Green and Yellow Houses to the Newport Swimming Pool. Please could these children ensure they have their Swimming Kit with them.

This is in addition to the lessons which take place for ALLย Year 4 children on Thursday.

Many thanks

Year 4 Team x


Good afternoon…

Just a quick reminder that Yellow and Green house will be going to Newport Swimming pool on Monday 28th June in the PM. Therefore they will need their swimming kit!

Red and Blue house will remain at school for the afternoon.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team! ๐Ÿ™‚

Year 4 Swimming Kit Reminder

Hi Year 4!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend. On Monday we will be taking all Year 4 children in Red and Blue House to the Newport Swimming Pool. Please could these children ensure they have their Swimming Kit with them.

This is in addition to the lessons which take place for ALLย Year 4 children on Thursday.

Many thanks

Year 4 Team x


Good afternoon,

This is a message for all the parents/carers of children who attend drama club after school on a Wednesday. The final 2 sessions (16th and 23rd of June) are both cancelled. Unfortunately, I have midwife appointments on both of these dates and therefore will not be available for the club after school.

Apologies for the inconvenience!

Miss Jones ๐Ÿ™‚


Good afternoon everyone

Just a polite reminder about swimming in year 4. They will be swimming every Thursday until the end of term (excluding swimming gala dates).ย 

Please if the children could remember: appropriate swimming attire, swim cap, goggles (optional) and a towel. Please could we ask that long hair is tied back as well.

Also, children are still expected to bring in P.E kits on a Monday for the week. We will try and take advantage of the warmer weather where we can ๐Ÿ™‚

Many thanks,

Miss J, Mrs J and Mrs K