England does the Daily Mile

Our school will be taking part in the   England does The Daily Mile on Friday 30th April.

Each bubble will be timetabled to run at a certain time of the day. As it will be a long run it will be easier for the children to be in the correct footwear, therefore,   your child/children come into school in their trainersfor the day.

England Does the Daily Mile: England-does-TDM-poster-A4-NEW-DATE

Many Thanks

Mr Moody

Year 4 Deer Park Trip

Morning Everyone!

…. 20,000 steps later and we all had a wonderful time at Chetwynd Deer Park! It was great weather and the children had a wonderful time exploring! The activities they took part in were bug hunting, pond dipping and even some bug tasting… If they dared!

Here are some photos which captured our day (4K)

Year 4 Deer Park Trip

Good Morning Year 4

Hope you are all well. Just a couple of reminders for the Deer Park Trip on Monday:

  • Please come in outdoor clothing to be worn all day (Please could the weather forecast be checked prior to Monday so that it is appropriate for the weather e.g. light waterproof jacket or thick coat/ Sun cream and Hat if necessary)
  • All children need to bring a packed lunch.. Any children who receive Free School Meals have already placed an order for a packed lunch to be arranged for Monday.

Hope you enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 🙂

Many thanks

Year 4 Team


NJS Online Safety Newsletter April 2021

Dear Parents,

Online Safety Newsletter April 2021_Newport

Online Safety Newsletter April 2021_Newport PDF

Please find attached the NJS Online Safety Newsletter for April 2021. This month’s edition features items about the following:

  • Choosing apps
  • Tik-Tok
  • Harmful online challenges and hoaxes
  • Hollie Guard app
  • Disney/Disney+ parental controls
  • Spotify Kids
  • Socialising safely online

Please take some time to read it this month.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler