4NJ’s Home Learning For Monday 7th of December

Hello 4NJ! I hope you are all well and you have had a lovely weekend? Here is your home learning tasks for today. I hope you enjoy them and I will look forward to seeing you all at 9:30am on Microsoft Teams. Have a great day 🙂 Best wishes Mrs Jukes

Monday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 7th of December

Monday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 7th of December


Hi 4NJ

We are thinking of you all, we are gutted you are in isolation again and all of the NJS family send you our very best wishes.

You should have received a Parent Mail from me with an invite to a Teams Meeting on Monday morning at 9.30am.  If you haven’t received this please email nicola.moody@taw.org.uk with your child’s name and I will send the link to you.

The email also explains that we will place exercise books in the drop box before 8.30am on Monday morning should you wish to collect one for your child to use whilst at home.  We will also, on a daily basis, place copies of the learning activities in there if this helps you.

If you have any issues with access to a device for accessing Teams Meetings or the learning please email nicola.moody@taw.org.uk

Take care everyone

Mrs M

4S Christmas Play Prep!

Hi 4S

I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend with your family. Just a short reminder for Monday. Please can you remember your costumes and any props you require for the Christmas Play. We will be filming on Monday ONLY.

Also, If you haven’t already please could you bring back the Deer Park consent letter ready to go on Tuesday.

Parents: Any questions please email me on jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk

Thank you for your support

Mrs Kuczynska 🙂 x


4.12.20 – Home Learning Year 4!

Good morning Year 4!

Lets hope it snows today and you’ll have lots of fun 🙂

Here is your home learning for today… Mrs Sisson says please do this before going out in the snow!

4.12.20 Home Learning PDF

4.12.20 Home Learning

We will be posting a video with an explanation on how to use the short multiplication method.

Have a lovely day year 4! Missing you already 🙂

Miss J, Mrs S, Mrs J and Mrs K


4J Costumes!

If all costumes could be in by Friday (4th December) so they can quarantine over the weekend, we would really appreciate it.

Some children have come home with permission letters (photos, website etc). Unfortunately, if we do not have these back, they will not be allowed on the video for the Christmas performance.

Many thanks,

Miss Jones 🙂

4NJ ‘Twas the night before Christmas,’ Songs and Lyrics

Dear parents and guardians,

As part of our class Christmas production this year, 4NJ will be performing ‘Twas the night before Christmas.’ For their homework, I would like them to learn the songs and lyrics. I will attach a lyric sheet with three of the songs and some links to each of the songs they will need to learn. If you right click on the link for each of the songs, it will take you to the correct song on YouTube. Tomorrow, the children will bring home their lyric sheets for each of the songs so they can practise everyday.

Kindest regards Mrs Jukes 🙂

Twas the night before Christmas Song links

Twas The Night Before Christmas Song Lyrics

Christmas Play 4J Preparations!

Next week we will be recording our Christmas performance for you to enjoy! We will not be doing the ‘traditional’ costumes due to a time crunch. Below, you will find a list of costumes for the children. Your children should know which they will need.

The Little Match Girl (And Dream Version) – Pyjamas and slippers

Narrators – Christmas Jumper

Angel – All White

Shoppers/Singers/Children – Christmas Jumpers (They could bring hat, gloves, scarf etc for one part).

Family – Smart clothes (We discussed dresses or a shirt etc).

Please do not feel that you have to buy an outfit just for the play. We will be happy to suggest an alternative should you need one… e-mail myself on Eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

We can’t wait for you to see what we have created!


4S Christmas Play Preparation ONLY

4S Christmas Play Preparation

Please can all children have their costumes or outfits in school for Monday 7th December. We will be filming the play on Monday 7th December. If children would like to bring in their costume before then it can be kept in a name labelled carrier bag in their locker.

P.E Kit will not be needed for this week.


Little Fir Tree and other trees – Green top and dark trousers – feel free to jazz up with leaves!

Rabbit – White/All one colour

Group of Women – Dress and handbag accessory!

Sparrow- Brown trousers and top – homemade wings (if possible!)

Children- Own clothes – maybe Christmas jumper?

Mice – Black or Grey – homemade tail and mask (if possible!)

Boy carrying Tree – Jeans and shirt/top

Wood Choppers – Jeans and Top (checked if possible)

Servants – Black trousers and top

Narrator ONLY – Christmas jumper/outfit

If your child has a narrating part and also an acting part they will only need a costume for the acting part.

Please do not worry if you don’t have time to prepare costumes etc these are just a guide and there is no pressure to buy or make anything for the play.

In the meantime can children practise the words to the first minute or so of the following Christmas songs:

Step into Christmas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoKDinySywM

Lonely this Christmas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjpVQNwhtYk

O Christmas Tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQLdqnICsS8

Rocking around the Christmas Tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3HJgCcSUqQ

I wish it could be Christmas everyday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vGPplLaVC0

If you have any questions please feel free to email us and have a very Merry Christmas!

Mrs Kuczynska and Mrs Sisson

4J Songs

Hello 4J!

As we are limited in time for singing, please find the links below to the songs 4J will be singing during the Christmas performance. The children all requested that these go on the website so I apologise in advance for any songs that may become stuck in your heads!

Take care,

Miss Jones x

The children should know roughly when they finish…

White Christmas… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZO5r_5GmtQ&pbjreload=101

Band Aid… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RGz3vdJg00

Silent Night… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEH7_2c644Q

Most Wonderful Time of the Year… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJvokYRRuaA

O Holy Night… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyjm6VpNaNA

Merry Christmas Everyone… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-BldKcfoFY