Yr 6 Homework

Homework due by Wednesday 29th November:

  1. Complete spelling practise including written paragraph.
  2. Complete Colon worksheet.
  3. Complete scaffolded fractions worksheet (these questions provide less scaffold as you work through them)

As ever, please ensure your homework is presented to a high standard, including capital letters and full stops where required.

6J Tag Rugby

6J have been impressing Mr J with thier tag rugby today! We built in a number of key skills: handling, passing, team work, communication and transitioning between attack and defence. A very enjoyable lesson for both teacher and children!

WW1 talk

Year 6 were very lucky to have a special guest come into school and give us a talk today. Mrs Davis told us about the impact that WWI had on the development of Prosthetic limbs, the NHS, and changes to the way in which people with disability were treated- such as the introduction of the Stoke Mandeville Games- a precursor to the Paralympics.  This was fascinating for us, as we’d spent a lot of time researching WW1 and the injuries that soldiers had sustained, for our narrative stories in English last week.

Thank you so much Mrs Davis. We really enjoyed it.


IMPORTANT: Year 6 Whats App

We recommend that where children have access to social media apps that parents/carers regularly check the content of messages exchanged and who with to ensure their child is safe.

Please can we ask Year 6 parents/carers to check their child’s Whats App groups that you are aware of the content of what your child is saying to others and who they are communicating with.

Please can we remind you about guidance on Whats App:

Idle CE (A) Primary School - ONLINE SAFETY - Info for Parents

Haka time!

As part of our ‘dance’ topic, during PE, we have been looking at some New Zealand Hakas. We learnt some of the moves and how the moves are repeated in beats of 2 or 4. We then tried to create our own in groups of 5. Well done class 6B.

Yr 6 Homework

Due by Wednesday 22nd November

  1. Complete spelling practise, including the paragraph at the bottom of the sheet.
  2. Complete pronouns worksheets.
  3. Complete compare & order fractions worksheet. This is to follow up on work we have been doing in class this week.

If you would like to help with homework, here is a useful link to explain how to find common denominators when comparing fractions: https://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/common-denominator.html 

As always, we expect homework to be completed to a high standard of presentation.



England Rocks – Results!

A huge well done and congratulations to all the children who took part in the England Rocks Competition on TTRS.

Special mentions to 1st place class: 5M, 2nd place class: 5J and 3rd place class: 6J 🙂

Some phenomenal individual results were recorded and children will receive certificates next week for their efforts.

Certificates to be given out are –

  • Top 3 classes in the school (based on average score).
  • Top 3 students in the school.
  • Top 3 students in each class.

We will publish the full results once the children have received their certificates 🙂

6B art lesson

This week, 6B have started their new art topic of ‘Landscapes’. We began by looking at the painting ‘The Flora of the Heath’ by Paul Klee. We created our own painting, using poster paint, using Paul Klee’s as inspiration.

Well done 6B.