Yr 6 BBC 500 Words Competition

As part of our efforts to raise the profile of writing, every child in the school has the opportunity to enter the BBC 500 Words Writing Competition.

Children of all abilities are encouraged to use their creativity and imagination to write a story they would love to read without the pressure of having to worry about spelling, punctuation and grammar.” – BBC 500 Words website. 

Entries must be submitted digitally, so Yr 6 children have been allowed to take their writing home with them, to be submitted at home.  Children have had multiples opportunities in school to write an entry, so everyone should have something that they can submit.

Please see the website for more information on the competition included rules, prizes and how to submit: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/500-words

Many thanks.

6K Beech’s base

6K have the light dome visit on Tuesday morning and Beech’s base in the afternoon. Children are welcome to come to school in their outdoor clothes but will need indoor schools for the morning activities.
Please remember outdoor coats and wellies for the afternoon. It is going to be muddy!

6K at Beech’s base

We have a busy day planned for Tuesday. We have the light dome in the morning and Beech’s base in the afternoon. Children are welcome to come to school in their Beech’s base clothing, but I do ask that they wear appropriate shoes/trainers for the morning activities. Wellies and outdoor coats will be needed for the afternoon.

Yr 6 Homework Week 6

Homework due in by Wednesday 25th October.

Please complete the following:

  1. Alliteration Worksheet – this also serves as handwriting practice; please ensure you are presenting your work neatly. Alliteration
  2. Complete Spellings from the statutory spelling list.
  3. Complete Multiplication worksheet. This is a recap of what we have been looking at in class. Multiplication 4 by 2 digit

If you require any support with multiplication strategies, please use the following link:



6J Beech’s Base

Thank you to Miss Lockwood & Mr Leonard for giving 6J such a wonderful time in Beech’s Base yesterday afternoon. As part of our Science work on light, the children managed to make a sun dial! They also got the chance to practise den building, fire lighting and some woodwork.